Many thanks for your reply. I dont have the actual 1st marriage certificate but I do have an extract of the parish records; unfortunately no parental names are shown, Thomas is described as a Bachelor and Mary Frowen a Spinster, witnesses are Thomas Frown, relative of Mary and a Thomas Bond. To date I have not found any connections between Bond and my tree. I have no knowledge of any wills but I have seen a reference to a William Rhodes being a voter so I assume he must have been a land owner. Also Thomas's second marriage certificate does indicate William to be a Farmer and not just an agricultural labourer. Of course Thomas may have wished to exagerate his fathers status. Anyway interesting to know that there were only 2 Thomas Rhodes born around that time in the Nottingham area. The birth of Thomas 1792 would have only just made him 18 upon his first marriage, which in my view is less likely than Thomas born in 1788, which also ties in with the burial records. Again many thanks for your assistance.