we have some life details to compare to.
Hi helenwinter, Happy Christmas!
Ahhhh , I see.....so sorry, you and I have no common genealogy - when I wrote the above I meant 'we' as in myself and other rootschatters who might search and unearth items of information that could be your Walter. Knowing his place and time of birth etc, may in such case, help us know if we're more likely to have found him (and not someone with the same name).
If he led a fairly transient lifestyle in Canada, moving around Provinces to work, never settling or 'remarrying' - he may be very difficult to locate. He may have ended up in one of the Canadian Provinces where records are hard or impossible to come online. He may have died and no-one knew much or anything about him, including his name. And if he crossed into the US - he could have gone anywhere in the union.
