« Reply #1 on: Saturday 13 December 14 21:24 GMT (UK) »
Welcome to Rootschat!
You can search for the the thread using the search button along the top. If you use multiple words, it helps to use inverted commas, "Wiltshire Regiment" for example.
I am Australian, from all the lands I come (my ancestors, at least!)
Pine/Pyne, Dowdeswell, Kempster, Sando/Sandoe/Sandow, Nancarrow, Hounslow, Youatt, Richardson, Jarmyn, Oxlade, Coad, Kelsey, Crampton, Lindner, Pittaway, and too many others to name.
Devon, Dorset, Gloucs, Cornwall, Warwickshire, Bucks, Oxfordshire, Wilts, Germany, Sweden, and of course London, to name a few.