Author Topic: Re Birth dates - general  (Read 2442 times)

Offline jbml

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Re: Re Birth dates - general
« Reply #9 on: Saturday 17 January 15 08:39 GMT (UK) »
The census maybe relates to where they were living at the time and not where he was born.

This is a common enough phenomenon.

If the person did not know where they were born, then the enumerator needed to put SOMETHING in that column ... so he just entered the place where they were for want of any more reliable information.

After age, place of birth is probably the second most unreliable piece of information in the census.
All identified names up to and including my great x5 grandparents: Abbot Andrews Baker Blenc(h)ow Brothers Burrows Chambers Clifton Cornwell Escott Fisher Foster Frost Giddins Groom Hardwick Harris Hart Hayho(e) Herman Holcomb(e) Holmes Hurley King-Spooner Martindale Mason Mitchell Murphy Neves Oakey Packman Palmer Peabody Pearce Pettit(t) Piper Pottenger Pound Purkis Rackliff(e) Richardson Scotford Sherman Sinden Snear Southam Spooner Stephenson Varing Weatherley Webb Whitney Wiles Wright