« Reply #15 on: Thursday 01 January 15 22:56 GMT (UK) »
It was very common for our ancestors to add and remove names. Both of my grandmothers "gave" themselves a third christian name in later life, one after her own grandmother. One of my great grandmothers was always known as Annie, or Hannah, to her family. Even my grandmother told that was her mother's name when I started out in family history. Her real name was Harriet, Annie was her own mother's name.
I am Australian, from all the lands I come (my ancestors, at least!)
Pine/Pyne, Dowdeswell, Kempster, Sando/Sandoe/Sandow, Nancarrow, Hounslow, Youatt, Richardson, Jarmyn, Oxlade, Coad, Kelsey, Crampton, Lindner, Pittaway, and too many others to name.
Devon, Dorset, Gloucs, Cornwall, Warwickshire, Bucks, Oxfordshire, Wilts, Germany, Sweden, and of course London, to name a few.