« Reply #4 on: Thursday 22 January 15 09:39 GMT (UK) »
Hi Sue, and welcome to Rootschat!
Don't assume that the three marriages are all for the same Israel Stanley. You need to find burial dates for Rosimond and Jane, and even then there is no guarantee, although the third marriage mentions that he was a widower, so I think you are fairly safe with the second two.
I am Australian, from all the lands I come (my ancestors, at least!)
Pine/Pyne, Dowdeswell, Kempster, Sando/Sandoe/Sandow, Nancarrow, Hounslow, Youatt, Richardson, Jarmyn, Oxlade, Coad, Kelsey, Crampton, Lindner, Pittaway, and too many others to name.
Devon, Dorset, Gloucs, Cornwall, Warwickshire, Bucks, Oxfordshire, Wilts, Germany, Sweden, and of course London, to name a few.