I assume you're going from the 1841 census, which has Richard Murdock age 73 bricklayer with Elizabeth Murdock age 68 and Mary Murdock age 20, all born Suffolk, living in Church Street, Eye, Suffolk. And that you've found the baptism record for Richard Murdock born Nov 1768 at Eye, parents Gosnald and Margaret Murdock.
FamilySearch has a marriage at Eye for 16 February 1796 between Richard Murdock and Elizabeth Bowel. It also has baptisms for their children Elizabeth 1797 at Eye, Thomas 1798 at Eye and Mary 1802 at Hartsmere.
FamilySearch also has several baptisms for an Elizabeth Bowel or Bowle at around the right year, but none in Eye, so it's difficult to know which one she might have been.