Hi, I can tell you that John Paintence MacPhail was born 1827 to John MacPhail and Catherine MacMillan, he died 25.12.1915 at 339, Clepington, Mains and Strathmartine, Angus. Alexander Donaldson was born 1793 in Blairgowrie to David Donaldson and Christian McFeiter/McPhyter or McFetar (there are numerous spellings!) and died 7/7/1869 at Strone Mill, Persie, Perthshire. They were both married 22.8.1777 in Blairgowrie. Christian was the daughter of John McFetar and Isabel Gilruth (both married 9.11.1750 Blairgowrie). As for Marjory Buttars she was born 26.12.1795 in Blairgowrie to James Buttars and Janet Reid who were married 3.12.1790 in Blairgowrie. Janet Reid was bapt. 8.4.1764 in Blairgowrie to Donald Reid and Janet Fyffe/Fife. Hope this gives you a good start to your research.
Best wishes