I have located a Henry Ashford in the Kelly's directory of 1888 under the heading of Butchers. His located at 29, Digbeth. Which is close to where his son & daughter-in-law, Oliver Henry & Ellen Cashen were residing when they married on Benacre Street.
And the area of Digbeth in the 19th century was a commonplace for the likes of butchers, abattoirs, etc.
So, I suspect that is him. But I still can't locate who Oliver Henry's mother is and when she married Henry. Has anyone got any advice on how to overcome a family brick wall?
It's a long-shot, but would you say its plausible that a Henry & Dianah Ashford (1861 Census) residing at 3, Benacre Street and Henry & Ellen Ashford (Married 1896) residing at 60, Benacre Street, a generation apart must surely be more that a coincidence.
Many thanks for any advice given.