Author Topic: Tracing my father  (Read 733 times)


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Tracing my father
« on: Wednesday 24 June 15 12:42 BST (UK) »

I was adopted at 6 months old.(So to me they are my parents)hoever they r now
deceased. I managed to trace my birth mother about 7 yrs ago through where r
they now, in the Sun newspaper. I met her once and discovered I also had a half
brother.Shorthly afterwards she passed away, and my new found brother moved
away. When I met her I asked about my father, but she changed the subject so I
am none the wiser. Has anyone any ideas if I can trace him, (if hes still alive). My
birth mother was named Mary Kathleen M,CConnel and I was born (*)
November 1961 in Southampton General Hospital. I was adopted about 6 months old at
Portsmouth County Court. My name since has been Thomas Lake

In anticipation. T.Lake

Offline dawnsh

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Re: Tracing my father
« Reply #1 on: Wednesday 24 June 15 14:16 BST (UK) »
Hi Michael

Welcome to Rootschat.

Rootschat is meant for finding ancestors rather than living relatives.

Personal details of any people known or thought to be living will be removed in accordance with Rootschat policy to prevent spamming and other abuses. The use of your birth name, adopted name and date of birth in a topic is something that is also not encouraged so this has been edited also.

Your topic has also been edited to remove all the capitals as that is considered to be shouting.

If you haven't done so already, I would urge you to contact the General Register Office and enquire about access to your adoption file.

There are also a couple of topics that may be helpful

Topic:Tracing living relatives,261434.0.html


Topic: Searching for living relatives and Rootschat,142443.0.html

Good luck!

Census information Crown Copyright, from

Sherry-Paddington & Marylebone,
Longhurst-Ealing & Capel, Abinger, Ewhurst & Ockley,