John Antrobus bp.3/4/1818 St. Nicholas, Liverpool, son of John (a Stone Mason) and Mary Ann.
They appear to have had an earlier son John bp.11/9/1814 who must have died.
Looking at census and online trees (some of which seem to be somewhat wrong I feel) appears that John Antrobus senior married a Mary Ann Massey 11/5/1813 St. Elphin, Warrington, Lancashire and children as follows:
Sarah bc.1814/5 Liverpool
John bp.11/9/1814 St. Nicholas, Liverpool(died)
John bp.3/4/1818 ditto
William bp.21/5/1820 ditto
Elizabeth bp.4/9/1824 Warrington, Lancashire
Thomas bc.1826 Halton, Cheshire
Samuel bc.1828 ditto
Ann bp.22/5/1831 Runcorn, Cheshire )
James bp.18/5/1834 ditto ) said to have been born in Halton
Francis bp.9/3/1837 ditto )
In 1851 for some reason (perhaps hard times) John senior and sons Samuel and Francis are shown as Boatmen! 1861 census John senior widowed and once again a Stone Mason and living with married daughter Sarah.
The marriage certificate of John in 1843 will prove if father is shown as John Antrobus, stone mason.
1861 census states John senior born in Kenyon, Lancashire (Kenyon at junction of Bolton and Leigh railway) so the baptism of a John Antrobus 28/1/1792 Leigh, Lancashire, son of Thomas and Ellen, could well be him.