1901 Census
3 Badger Row,
Cowpen Colliery, Northumberland
Thomas Lowery Arkless, 44, Head, Mar, Colliery Engineman, born North Shields, Northern Ireland
Georgina Arkless, 36, Wife, Mar
Ethel Arkless, 17, Daug, Apprentice Dressmaker
Jane Ann Arkless, 9, Daug
John J T Arkless, 8, Son
Thomas Arkless, 6, Son, born Blyth, Northern Ireland
Letitia V Arkless, 1, Daug
Not Named Arkless, Son, 9/12 (image is 9 days)**
All mistranscribed as born Blyth, Northern Ireland, or North Shields, Northern Ireland
I will wait til you get the Marriage Cert to post more as cant find Edith in 1891 Census so it is only quesswork on my part til Thomas L Arkless's Fathers name/occp is taken from the M/C.
Also geogeina is hard to track also, so may be a Widow on M/C.