I have a marriage certificate for the 15th Dec 1850 marriage between Thomas Parker (36 / bachelor / farmer) and Elizabeth Miles (24 / spinster / - ) in Tenbury, Worcestershire. The place of residence of both of them is given as Old Wood.
The name of the groom's father is given as Thomas Swift and his profession as 'farmer'. He is not noted as being deceased.
Which of these is the most likely;
(1) Thomas Parker's mother remarried Thomas Swift and her first husband, the father of Thomas Parker, was named Parker, but Thomas Parker was brought up by Swift and regarded him as his 'father'.
(2) Thomas Parker's mother remarried a Parker and her first husband was Thomas Swift, the father of Thomas Parker.
(3) Thomas Parker was illegitimate, his mother was a Parker and Thomas Swift was the father
(4) Thomas Parker was illegitimate, his mother was a Parker and 'Thomas Swift' is made up name as his didn't know the name of his father.
I cannot trace a Worcestershire 'Thomas Swift' in the !841 census nor any subsequent censuses. I can't trace any local Swift/Parker/Unknown marriages 1800-1820.