Thank you all for your help. It's odd that there is only one record in deaths (NSW) for Thomas Wayman (although I did find a Thomas Wyman 1859) when there are numerous records to be found in the newspapers. ( ref. found in NSW, Victoria and Tasmania)
Up to his 'Ticket of Leave" in 1837 the records of Thomas look solid, but after that it's probably all guess work.
I am compiling a small book on the history of my village (two villages in fact) Histon and Impington, near Cambridge using extracts from the local newspaper of the time, The Cambridge Chronicle. The period I am covering is c1770 till 1851. Most of the information is relatively standard small town news; births, marriages, deaths, - sale of land, farms, livestock etc - reports of fires, accidents and felonies. So, being able to add a small footnote to the story of Thomas is quite nice.
Thank you again.
FTR. Impington Hall was the family home of the Pepys family up to 1805. Talbot Pepys (1583-1666) was the Great Uncle of the diarist Samuel Pepys.