My Grandmother Emma Gormley was Mary Ann Gormley's daughter
My Father always believed she was born 08/02/1905
She married George O'Shea 13/10/1923 both Emma & George were age 20

They married at St Georges catholic chapel Worcester ,
George was a bachelor , lived at 20 quay street Worcester and he was a licenced Hawker
his father was James O'Shea (deceased bricklayer)
Emma was a spinster. lived at 54 Copenhagen street Worcester and she was a charwoman
her father is down as William Stroud ? and he was a Hawker.
Emma & George had 3 sons Walter born 28/05/1924 born at number 1 lich street Worcester
and Joseph Trevor (my father) born 18/04/1930 at number 1a tallow hill, Worcester (workhouse ?)
David was born in Walsall west midlands in about 1932
George O'Shea seems to vanish after this time
Emma was now known as Dorothy / dolly and was living in Walsall with a live in partner called Robert Hawkins with whom she had 2 daughter jean and Mary both with the surname O'Shea
and lived at 34 Fullbrook road Walsall
On 10th February 1951 she married Joseph Henry Lawrence at Walsall registry office
she passed away 24/04/1967 at 45 Pattison street, Walsall age 62 .
But where did this family come from ? they seem to just appear in Worcester 1913 with the birth of Emmas sister Rose.