« Reply #3 on: Thursday 17 December 15 15:14 GMT (UK) »
Sorry I can't help with any facts but have you also tried looking on for them either by name or by the local Stockton school on the below website? Even if you don't spot your sons names other people leave messages and give names of other pupils on their photos, also if your ex wife has posted on her school's page under her maiden name she might have given a clue you could use.
http://www.friendsreunited.co.uk/Search/PeopleOn the top right of this page there's a drop down tab "Find", then click on "schools"
Aberdeen: Findlay-Shirras,McCarthy: MidLothian: Mason,Telford,Darling,Cruikshanks,Bennett,Sime, Bell: Lanarks:Crum, Brown, MacKenzie,Cameron, Glen, Millar; Ross: Urray:Mackenzie: Moray: Findlay; Marshall/Marischell: Perthshire: Brown Ferguson: Wales: McCarthy, Thomas: England: Almond, Askin, Dodson, Well(es). Harrison, Maw, McCarthy, Munford, Pye, Shearing, Smith, Smythe, Speight, Strike, Wallis/Wallace, Ward, Wells;Germany: Flamme,Ehlers, Bielstein, Germer, Mohlm, Reupke