I am trying to locate anyone who might know something about David Holborow, born abt 1861 in Tetbury, Gloucestershire, England.
David is the son of William Wrexall (Wrexell / Wraxal and more variations) Holborow (born abt 1826 - Dauntsey, Wiltshire, England) and Charlotte Payne (Paine) born abt 1828 - Tetbury, Gloucestershire, England).
David has the following siblings, Thomas, Elizabeth, Wrexall, Richard, James, Robert, John / Jesse, Charlotte and Annie. I know that Annie married Arthur Benjamin Langdale. Richard married Clara Coleman / Teague.
David came to Australia in 1883 on the Lochee to Sydney. On the shipping records, it says that he came out to an uncle James in Sydney. I have no surname for 'Uncle James', but believe it to be James Holborow.
In May 1896, Richard (brother to David) put a notice in the newspaper, "If this should meet the eye of David Holborow, who left Tetbury, Gloucestershire, England, 1883 for Sydney, write to your brother Richard, Frederickton, McLeay (Macleay) River, where you hear of something to your advantage."
I have no other information relating to what the 'something to your advantage' might have been.
I don't know if David married, died in Australia or if he returned to England.
If anyone can shed any light on David and where he ended up, I would be happy to hear from you.