Emma Richardson was my great grandmother who married my great grandfather on christmas day 1877. He was William Arnold born in 1879 in St. Albans Hertfordshire. I have at last found her birth certificate which tells me her father Benjamin Richardson was a fishmonger in London born 1831 and her mother was called Ann Arnold. They married in 1851 and Emma was born in 1853. Unfortunately Ann died in 1856 and Benjamin was married a few years later to Margaret Marshall and they went on to have more children. However I can find no record of Emma on any census or with any relative until her marriage in 1877. I would love to know what happened to her as a little girl. Where did she go, who cared for her? Her mother was ill for 9 months before she died according to the death certificate, so hopefully had time to make arrangements for her care. Father obviously did not take on that responsibilty.
Any comments or suggestions would be very much appreciated.