« Reply #2 on: Thursday 04 February 16 08:06 GMT (UK) »
Another way is to use newspaper searches of the address. Depending on the country and the building type you may find sales or comments in the papers from the area you seek.
This can also help identify a person.

Genealogy-Its a family thing
Paternal: Gibbins,McNamara, Jenkins, Schumann, Inwood, Sheehan, Quinlan, Tierney, Cole
Maternal: Munn, Simpson , Brighton, Clayfield, Westmacott, Corbell, Hatherell, Blacksell/Blackstone, Boothey , Muirhead
Son: Bull, Kneebone, Lehmann, Cronin, Fowler, Yates, Biglands, Rix, Carpenter, Pethick, Carrick, Male, London, Jacka, Tilbrook, Scott, Hampshire, Buckley
Brickwalls- Schumann, Simpson,Westmacott/Wennicot
Scott, Cronin
Gedmatch Kit : T812072