« Reply #28 on: Monday 07 March 16 19:18 GMT (UK) »
It would be great if more people used the postems.. I also add information extracted from other sources, particularly BMD announcements in newspapers and baptism and burial records, the source clearly labelled of course.
GEDMatch Kit no. CE7119959
Maternal: Thirlwell, Dobbins, Stamp, Rochester, Laws, Nicholson, Cavanagh, Jessop, Clough/Cleugh, Charlton, Weightman, Swinhoe, Swainson, Purdie, Carney…
(Northumberland, Cumberland, Ireland)
Paternal: Gilmour, McGrath, Oram, Green(e), Hepplewhite, Graham, Bugbird, Hanley, Hutton, Bellott, Busfield, Blake, Bugbird, Dwyer...
(Ireland, County Durham, especially Hartlepool, Whitby, North Yorkshire, Middlesex, Surrey, ia)