This may be Mary Ann in 1862/1863:
REFUSING TO MAINTAIN AN ILLEGITIMATE CHILD - John Carroll was summoned before the bench at West Maitland yesterday, to answer to the summons of Mary Ann Devine, who charged him with refusing to maintain his illegitimate child. Mr. Mullen appeared for the plaintiff, and Mr. Brennan for defendant. M. A. Devine said the information was true. John Carroll is a painter and glazier, and earns £2 per week. The child was born 14th October last. Joseph Trappell, groom to Dr. Liddell knew plaintiff, who had been in the same service. Knew defendant, who came to the kitchen one Saturday about six months ago, and took her out for a walk. It was late when she came home - about half-past ten. She came in by herself. The case was postponed until Thursday, to allow the plaintiff time to procure some more witnesses. TO OBEY A MAINTENANCE ORDER - John Carroll was summoned by Mary Ann Devine, and appeared before tho bench at West Maitland, on Thursday, to answer a charge of neglecting to pay the amount of maintenance ordered by the bench some time back, towards the support of his illegitimate offspring. The arrears (23 weeks) were paid up, and the complainant did not appear. is probably the child:
Mother: MARY
Father: Not named