« Reply #3 on: Tuesday 12 April 16 12:17 BST (UK) »
I believe there is a 100 year closure on Asylum records, although there may be circumstances where they are released earlier but I think it depends on the relationship to the person and why they are wanted. However, someone may be able to better advise.
Central Hospital, Hatton, closed in 1995. The A2A website suggests that the records are with the Warwickshire Records Office - see
http://discovery.nationalarchives.gov.uk/details/rd/N13853637. There will obviously be restrictions in place on access.
Have you found Julia on the 1939 National Register to see whether she was at Hatton then?
(KENT) Lingwell, Rayment (BUCKS) Read, Hutchins (SRY) Costin, Westbrook (DOR) Gibbs, Goreing (DUR) Green (ESX) Rudland, Malden, Rouse, Boosey (FIFE) Foulis, Russell (NFK) Johnson, Farthing, Purdy, Barsham (GLOS) Collett, Morris, Freebury, May, Kirkman (HERTS) Winchester, Linford (NORTHANTS) Bird, Brimley, Chater, Wilford, Read, Chapman, Jeys, Marston, Lumley (WILTS) Arden, Whatley, Batson, Gleed, Greenhill (SOM) Coombs, Watkins (RUT) Stafford (BERKS) Sansom, Angel, Young, Stratton, Weeks, Day