My GG Grandfather according to census was born in 1804. The 1841 census is blank to his birth place, 1851 census states that he was born in Yorkshire, 1861 and 1871 census has his birth place as Stokesley, Yorkshire, while the 1881 census has him as South Shields, Durham, he died in 1883.
At the moment I can't find any details on his marriage to Margery Jefferson who was born in South Shields in 1804. The couple have lived in the Jarrow/South Shields area from the 1841 census onwards. Finally to the question!!!! Family Search has only one record for a Robert Thompson born in Stokesley and that the christening date was 11 April 1810 (no birth date). Is it possible that a person can be christened 6 years after birth? If a person is not christened will there be a record of their birth anywhere? I was unable to find anything on Find my Past. Any help would be appreciated. Many thanks, Paul Thompson