Possible birth, maybe correct family?
Births Dec 1885 - Only one that possibly fits with year & birth Qtr from age given 39 reg
Lee Phillis Dudley 6c 132
Family are in Dudley, Court Stafford Street, in 1891 with Phyliss Lee age 5 mother Maria age 46 states married, no husband present. Number of children all family b Dudley, one called Alfred. 1881 in Dudley, Court Stafford Street, Maria age 39 states herself a widow, wonder if Phyllis is illegitimate?
1901 Stafford Street, Maria Lee states married, no husband present age 50 with son Samuel age 19, and boarder Samuel Brockhouse age 60 who was with family in 1891. Widow in last census. Only states married with Samuel B present, who is also married, likely death 1907.
1871 Dudley, Maria Lees, age 28, states widow with 4 children all b Dudley.
1861 Maria Lee, age 18, married, no husband present with Brookes family (parents)
1860 possible marriage Maria Brookes to Henry Lee
1851 Maria Brookes with same Family
Cannot find Phyllis in last census.