I wonder if anyone can help me?
I'm looking at trying to find any information about my relative's from Ireland my great grandfather was Charles Brady born 1863 Cavan? died 1926 in Crowenstown he was married to Mary M,Keon (McKeon, McKeown?) In 1891 she was born 1872 and died in 1960 they had 8 children Charles was in the RIC I have his service records but looking to find his parents and hopefully even further into the past! If anybody can point me in the right direction in finding out information on my distant relatives I would be very grateful
Peter Brady
Charles, Mary & family are in House 1 Crowinstown (Great) Ballinlough Westmeath in 1911 census. Occupation Farmer, married 19 yrs, 8 children born & 8 living.
www.nationalarchives.ieThe RC Parish records are online free for baptisms & marriages
www.registers.nli. 1901 Census Mary & 5 children John 8, Mary 6, William 4, Alphonous 2 Anthony 1 are in House 19 Ballynagore (Ballynagotr, Westmeath) Charles is not there & failed to find record of him anywhere in 1901 but if he was in RIC this may explain his absence