Author Topic: Building Research Network to Other Sites  (Read 361 times)

Offline AndrewMcK

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Building Research Network to Other Sites
« on: Monday 05 September 16 03:21 BST (UK) »
Hi all,

I imagine that other folks who've gotten into this wonder about this, so I thought I'd bring it to the experts. We've done a fairly decent job converting our family history into a fairly extensive tree at with good documentation - I've got 27 of my 32 great-great-great grandparents figured out. We're starting to do some DNA testing on my parents with the hope of connecting with other living relatives, distant cousins especially in Ireland and Scotland. We're trying to get over brick walls there in advance of a family trip next spring. Regardless of whether our people came thru New Brunswick Canada, or into NY/New England, our brick walls are all back there.

It would seem to make sense to network outside of Ancestry as well. We use Family Tree Maker so it's easy to export a GEDCOM, but we'd love to devote what little time we have to other websites with large tree databases and useful features. So would love some advice - should we upload to, or Family Finder,, or some other sites? Which 2-4 sites might offer the best opportunity to connect with Irish and Scots relatives?

Thanks in advance for the help and advice! Our family tree at Ancestry is readily available to potential family and helpers.

With warm regards,
Andrew McKnight
Lincoln VA