Author Topic: Purcell family in Corfu  (Read 757 times)

Offline AndyBuck

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Purcell family in Corfu
« on: Saturday 26 November 16 23:29 GMT (UK) »
So I've inherited some family history research which was done in the 1980's (pre web !).

I have info about ancestor's with the surname Purcell were based in Corfu as part of the Britisch occupation of Corfu at the time. In particular Edward Purcell of 97th (Earl of Ulster Regiment) who died in Corfu on 5 Dec 1844. It seems he married in Columbo to Ann Holman, nee Knight, and there was son Samuel b. 19 Jun 1843. I know alot about Sam but very little about Edward or Anne.

Offline AndyBuck

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Re: Purcell family in Corfu
« Reply #1 on: Saturday 26 November 16 23:37 GMT (UK) »
Google cam up with a ten year old post from criggy which I'm sure connects :

Have you made more progess ?

I'm sure I can fill you in on my uncle's work on what happened to Sam's descendents if that is of interest - he had some glowing obituaries that I have copies of. I'd be interested to hear anything known of Eliza and of Edward's background ( I know he enlisted in the 97th at Dublin and his age was given then as 18 and has a place of birth in Co. Dublin at, judging by the writing, St. Catherines, but could be some other saint).

Offline AndyBuck

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Re: Purcell family in Corfu
« Reply #2 on: Saturday 26 November 16 23:55 GMT (UK) »
Hey criggy,

You write 10 years ago  that Ann was born in Burbage, Leicestershire, might have run off to marry Edward and then returned to Burbage after Edward's death. I'd be interested on what details you gave tracked down over the past 10 years.

Not sure  you actually wrote about Ann's surname but if she was Holman or Knight and her offsping were Samuel and  Eliza Purcell, and  Eliza was your gt gt grandmother, then Eliza was also my gt gt Aunt.

If you have more info on that side of the family I'd be interested to hear.


Offline Sinann

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Re: Purcell family in Corfu
« Reply #3 on: Sunday 27 November 16 00:07 GMT (UK) »
If you post a reply on criggy's thread an email notification will be sent to criggy. You have a much better chance of making contact that way.
Criggy was here in February this year.

Offline km1971

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Re: Purcell family in Corfu
« Reply #4 on: Sunday 27 November 16 07:46 GMT (UK) »
The 97th Regiment left for Ceylon in 1825, and arrived back in Gosport in September 1836. After two months they moved to Woolwich (6 months) and then Stockport, before moving to Ireland in April 1838.

Civil registration started in July 1837 and FreeBMD have a Martha Purcell registered in Stockport in Sep (qtr) 1837. Before risking £9.25 you should ask on the Lancashire board as lots of baptism records for Lancashire have been put online.

Unfortunately the 97th moved to the Ionian Islands before the 1841 census. Looking at the post from 2005 about the Chatham census for 1841, it is true that Chatham was very often the departure port for regiments going to India, and regiments would often leave their Depot in Chatham. So Purcell may have followed a few months after the rest of the regiment.

I think it more likely that Ann married in Ceylon as a widow, rather than elope with Edward. She would have had no way of getting to Ceylon under her own steam un-married. As is often the case the answers probably lie in the muster books for the regiment. They are in the National Archives (not online). They will not have any information about Ann and his children (except if the Paymaster recorded his widow receiving his back-pay). But you should get his place of birth, age etc. Plus you can confirm if there was a man called Holman in the regiment who died in Corfu.


Offline criggy

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Re: Purcell family in Corfu
« Reply #5 on: Sunday 27 November 16 17:49 GMT (UK) »
Thank you Andy and Ken for your valuable information. It is lovely to have more news about this family after such a long wait.

For some reason I hadn't even considered that Ann might be a widow when she married Edward!

Edward is found in 1841 in Cork but I've only the bare details of this as the census would appear to be missing. He is still a Colour Sergeant in the 97th regiment, service no. 506.

Andy - Yes, Eliza's mother's maiden name was Knight and Samuel was her brother. I would love to swop information on the siblings etc. If you send me a personal message with an e-mail address I would be only too pleased to share information with you.

All census lookups are Crown Copyright from

Researching London: Crisp, Leahy, Lumley. Berks: Billington, Leahy, Newbury, Yorks: Naylor, Smith, Thackwray, Wilkinson, Lancs: Smith. Leics: Everitt, Marshall, Purcell, Lincs: Bullivant, Everitt, Johnson, Sargeant, Ward. Gloucs: Chard, Coopey, Cowley, Croome, May, Millman, Organ, Savage, Shearman. Ireland: Leahy (Killarny, Kilkenny, Kerry, Cork)