Author Topic: The Brick Wall Of Brick Walls  (Read 12739 times)

Offline GJJW_1988

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Re: The Brick Wall Of Brick Walls
« Reply #81 on: Friday 18 January 19 20:14 GMT (UK) »
Hi JayJay, how are you?

WOW! Just wow! I am so happy that you got in touch! I never thought I would actually find someone this closely related to the situation! Thank you so much for getting in touch! I have so many questions! So, if I have understood the situation correctly, your great grandfather was Michael Brennan, with whom my great, great, great grandmother, Catherine Clinton, lived? Sorry if I have got that wrong! I don't suppose you have any more details about the period of time when Michael and Catherine lived together or what happened to lead to them living together do you? Do you happen to have any photographs of anyone from around that time? As you may have seen from the previous pages of the forum I am trying to find anything out about a man named Vincent (possibly William), I don't suppose that name ever arose did it? Not that it should. Sorry for all the questions it's just that, as you can tell from the title of the forum I have been really struggling to find anything at all to help me and was close to giving up, so your message has got me interested again! Thanks so much for getting back to me, I look forward to hearing back from you soon! Thanks again and have a great weekend if I don't hear from you before then! G

Offline JayJay2056

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Re: The Brick Wall Of Brick Walls
« Reply #82 on: Saturday 19 January 19 00:35 GMT (UK) »
Hello G.

Now that you sound really happy, I feel sure that you'll soon feel very let down again.
I myself have not been able to get back any further than Michael and Bridget, and being
as Bridget died young and Catherine (my Grandmother), died when my Mother was only
thirteen, not much information has been passed down at all.

The only Vincent that I found any information on was the younger Vincent, Catherine's son.
I found that he was killed during WW1 at Passchendaele and that his name appears on the
Memorial at the Tyne Cot cemetery.

I don't even have any photographs to speak of as they all seemingly, were lost.  I'm really
sorry that I can't help you any further, I wish I could.

Thank you for getting back to me so quickly and best of luck with your search.  J. 

Offline GJJW_1988

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Re: The Brick Wall Of Brick Walls
« Reply #83 on: Saturday 19 January 19 10:02 GMT (UK) »
Hi Jay jay! No not at all, don't worry, these things happen and I completely understand how you feel! It's frustrating isn't it! I'm just really happy to have found someone as closely linked as you! I still think that we could work together and help each other! So what more do you know about Michael and Catherine living together in the pub? I'm trying to work out whether my great great grandmother, Mary, was the daughter of the man named Vincent or your Michael Brennan because the date Mary was born was around the time that Vincent vanished, and Catherine started to live with Michael. I'm pretty sure that she was Vincent's, his name's on the birth certificate etc. but just looking for any more clues. Thanks again for getting in touch. G

Offline JayJay2056

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Re: The Brick Wall Of Brick Walls
« Reply #84 on: Saturday 19 January 19 19:34 GMT (UK) »
Hi G,

As I said, I don't have any further information regarding Michael and Catherine, I don't
even know when he died. 

My challenge has been to try and get further back with him and Bridget, but being as
they were both born in Ireland has left me with nowhere to go - the names Brennan and
Scanlon in Ireland are kind of like Smith and Brown over here.

Best of luck with your search.  J.

Offline JayJay2056

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Re: The Brick Wall Of Brick Walls
« Reply #85 on: Wednesday 18 November 20 13:07 GMT (UK) »
Hello G,  I hope your search is going well and that you are making some headway.

Mine is not so good as far as the Brennans are concerned.  I am clutching at straws
here, but do you have any information on my Grandmother's half siblings namely
Michael, Edie and Sarah Brennan - children of Michael Brennan and Catherine

My thoughts are that if I could find any of them it might give some sort of clue as
to the whereabouts of Michael and his eldest son Patrick.  I cannot find a death for
Michael (senior), nor any trace of Patrick.

Please let me know if you have any further information.  J.