Hi there, I was wondering if anyone could give any advice on tracking down a place of birth of someone.
I have recently become eligible to apply for British citizenship as my father was Scottish. However, the forms require me to enter my grandparents information, including the town of their birth.
My father was estranged from his parents (who are both now dead), and while I have my father's birth certificate and know my grandfathers date of birth, name, wife and children names, his occupation and date of marriage I have been unable to find the town of his birth. To track down my grandmother's details, I was able to enter her name into Scotland's People website along with her year of birth and her birth town appeared alongside the option to purchase her birth certificate. However, my grandfather's name was John Cameron (with no middle name) and in 1934 (his birth year) there were dozens of people born all over Scotland with that name.
No gynecology sites appear to have tracked our family, I have already tried that option. Please let me know if anyone has any other methods to track his birth place down - given the information I have.
Thanks so much!