Author Topic: John Reynolds Golding of Letcombe Regis  (Read 1505 times)

Offline The Golding Line

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John Reynolds Golding of Letcombe Regis
« on: Wednesday 22 February 17 10:16 GMT (UK) »
John Reynolds Golding was born in 1708 in Letcombe Regis, Berkshire, England.
His parents were Henry Golding and Mary. I do not know Mary's surname. Was is Reynolds?
I know they originated from Kent. Between 1625 and 1708. This is the missing bit.
The Reynolds part has a coat of arms which is linked to the Bishop of Norwich of around the 1650's.
The Goldings also have a coat of arms. This is not the coat of arms of the the de Vere family of Suffolk.

In the vestry of the church of St. Andrews Letcombe Regis hung a painting of the family tree. Which was put there for safety by Charles Golding.

This showed the coats of arms linked to the Golding family.
The Adams, Head names and coats of arms were also included with the Reynolds and Golding.

When the family lived in Kent they were register as Goulding. But when they moved to Berkshire it evolved into Golding. They may have been avoiding Charles 1st as they were Protestants.

Also in st Olave they have the Golding coat of arms. Not sure which branch this is, and why they were using it?

Any information would be greatly recieved. I have done extensive research but have a gap.

Offline jim1

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Re: John Reynolds Golding of Letcombe Regis
« Reply #1 on: Wednesday 22 February 17 11:54 GMT (UK) »
Coats of Arms were granted to individuals not families.
The painting is probably Coats of Arms for individual family members in tree form.
To earn the right to bear Arms an individual would be subject to an Heraldic Visitation which if still in existence would include a family tree proving relationship.
You could try contacting the College of Arms as they are the custodians of these records.
You could also try the Harleian Society would have transcribed many of these records.
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Offline KGarrad

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Re: John Reynolds Golding of Letcombe Regis
« Reply #2 on: Wednesday 22 February 17 12:02 GMT (UK) »
From the College of Arms website, FAQs:

Q. Do coats of arms belong to surnames?

A. No. There is no such thing as a 'coat of arms for a surname'. Many people of the same surname will often be entitled to completely different coats of arms, and many of that surname will be entitled to no coat of arms. Coats of arms belong to individuals. For any person to have a right to a coat of arms they must either have had it granted to them or be descended in the legitimate male line from a person to whom arms were granted or confirmed in the past.

As regards contacting the College, there will be fees involved!
For example a Grant of Arms will cost £5750.
Not sure what their research fees would be - but not cheap.
Garrad (Suffolk, Essex, Somerset), Crocker (Somerset), Vanstone (Devon, Jersey), Sims (Wiltshire), Bridger (Kent)

Offline The Golding Line

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Re: John Reynolds Golding of Letcombe Regis
« Reply #3 on: Wednesday 22 February 17 13:55 GMT (UK) »
Thanks for all replies!

I understand the coat of arms being attached to a pedigree and not a surname. However if you are the eldest child (women are accepted now) it is supposed to pass down that line. However in the 1600's all descendants regardless of whether they were direct appear to use the cost of arms.
The coat of arms for Golding has been found on gravestones in the USA for the 1700's.
Whether this is a link to the Sidwell family of Letcombe Regis. I still dont know if they are connected to my family or if they are an earlier branch that were already in Letcombe Regis.
The Gouldings of Kent were granted a coat of arms in 1575 and then again in 1619 when their name was Golding.
I have been in contact with the college of arms, who have verified all this. It appears that Henry Golding son of Robert Golding of Maidstone, (mayor and juror) and grandson of Robert Goulding of newherber or new arbor, married Mary Hammon in 1625 Bapchild, Kent. They had a child Henry who I believe was our ancestor.
The painting in the church quotes Robert Golding of newherber with granted arms.

The missing link?
The family appear to be Involved with shipping and also the Golding Hop. I cannot find exactly why they moved to Berkshire, Wantage, Letcombe Regis. They owned land and were one of the first people trialing land enclosures in 1801.
There are also too many Henry's and Mary's getting married at this time!?

Still puzzled!
Thanks for any help

Offline jim1

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Re: John Reynolds Golding of Letcombe Regis
« Reply #4 on: Wednesday 22 February 17 16:02 GMT (UK) »
According to the law at that time a Coat of Arms died with the bearer & couldn't be used by anyone else. The next generation who could prove a right to bear arms by birthright would have his own similar but distinctively different to any previous. it sounds to me that what you have seen is a Family Crest which can be used by anyone.
Doesn't help with progressing I know.
Warks:Ashford;Cadby;Clarke;Clifford;Cooke Copage;Easthope;
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Offline KGarrad

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Re: John Reynolds Golding of Letcombe Regis
« Reply #5 on: Wednesday 22 February 17 16:22 GMT (UK) »
Sons of the Arms Bearer usually had their arms differentiated by cadence marks?

See the arms of the Royal Family for examples.
Garrad (Suffolk, Essex, Somerset), Crocker (Somerset), Vanstone (Devon, Jersey), Sims (Wiltshire), Bridger (Kent)