Struggling a bit with this one
1841 Finedon
Elizabeth Hodson 40 y
Eliza 15 y
Caroline 13 y
Rhoda 10? female
Lucy 7 y
John Hodson senior was transported for steeling a lamb.He was lucky the original sentence was death.Crime must run in the family 5.1.1848 daughter Caroline got three weeks for larceny.She had stolen some carrots in a heap in the fields at Burton Latimer.So things not going well for the family.She had been born 10.11.1828 but wasn't baptised until 19.9.1830 when her father is discribed as a general labourer.She married John Tompkins Dec 1848.
Rhoda was christened over at Denford just to Elizabeth 9.6.1833.Single woman from Finedon .no mention of a father.It was Elizabeth's home parish ,the 1851 gives her as 60 born Denford charwoman with daughter Rhoda a shoe lather and grandson James age 10.Elizabeth is now descibed as a widow.
Rhoda marries Samuel Meadows Mar 1854,and Elizabeth stays in Finedon at Eady's Yard in 1861 with that grandson James who is now a shoemaker.
She is also descibed as a widow on her death 13.11.1866 age 79 buried Finedon on the 20th.
Lucy was bapt 25.12.1834 this time at Finedon.Eliza born 18.4.1822 bapt 12th May,June 1844 Thomas Drage.John born 7.2.1820,bapt 5th Mar was a carpenter,married Piercy Clapham 16.10.1842 Finedon.Can't see him after 1851.
I'm assuming you already have the passage info for Oliver ,price £18 14 ' on the Dale Park.Strangely it looks as though he paid his own fare.He was born 25 March.
Not sure what you want really.
That's about it .There is a burial for a John Hodson husband of Elizabeth at Finedon in 1847 age 64 5 Sep 1847 but that can't be him ,can it?