Author Topic: Ward family 1890 backwards  (Read 2401 times)

Offline JJen

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Re: Ward family 1890 backwards
« Reply #9 on: Saturday 11 March 17 16:58 GMT (UK) »
Welcome :)

Your dates don't look quite right for John Ward and Jessie Brown: you say he was born c1886 and she c1871, which would make her 15 years older than him.

In fact when they married at Christ Church, Mitcham on 8 June 1908 John was 24, a carman, and Jessie was 26.

His father: James John Ward, hawker (so not Thomas James Ward)
Her father: Henry Robert Brown, compositor

They seem have had a joint wedding with James William Swindle Beckett (another hawker) and Eliza Mary Mabey.  Both brides and both grooms were residing at 4 Phipps Terrace, Phipps Bridge Rd.   Both marriages were witnessed by the same people: Charles Edward Matthew Mabey, Sarah Ann Mabey and Mary Jane Mabey.

hi there thanks for that can I ask were you found this info dates for both of john and jessie I have found mutiple possible dates and also may I ask what is a hawker

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Offline Paul Raynsford

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Re: Ward family 1890 backwards
« Reply #10 on: Saturday 11 March 17 17:57 GMT (UK) »
I have had all my information confirmed except that I had missed a generation it appears john ward parents were not thomas and sarah but there daugthere child Elizabeth ward farther I have been told was never traced and he was raised by grandparents as there own

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Re: Ward family 1890 backwards
« Reply #11 on: Sunday 12 March 17 16:21 GMT (UK) »
Hawker -

Peddler or street seller. Itinerant street dealer who carried his wares with him.

Source -


Hi on your other thread, you now get back to Hawkers/Rag & bone men etc, so the important thing surely is to find John Ward with a relationship to a James John Ward c 1885/6?

PS so what information do you have that John Ward was raised by Grandparents?

UK Census information Crown Copyright, from

Offline Paul Raynsford

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Re: Ward family 1890 backwards
« Reply #12 on: Sunday 12 March 17 17:43 GMT (UK) »
Hawker -

Peddler or street seller. Itinerant street dealer who carried his wares with him.

Source -


Hi on your other thread, you now get back to Hawkers/Rag & bone men etc, so the important thing surely is to find John Ward with a relationship to a James John Ward c 1885/6?

PS so what information do you have that John Ward was raised by Grandparents?

the information was passes onto me by another family member I have recently found who has done more research into the family than I have currently and knows also from family story and alot more about family history also stated that we did originate from romany stock but also unable to 100% identify where the family settled elizabeth was still very young when she had john he was raised as her sibaling rather than her son due to this it was in his later life he was told that his parents where his grandparents and his biological farther was not known he was 25 when he was told this and given his birth certificate naming Elizabeth his birth mother some of the family also branched off and I migrated to the us some time in the mid 1800's also confirmed by the finding of yet another living relative from the USA side of the family mainly I wanted to know about determining a roma family heritage which I know is mine but lost some time in the past was it common for travelers to be born and die at home in a caravan in the late 1700s to mid 1800s the family moved to London in around around 1850 I beleive it was a Thomas ward the first of the family to move into london now there also appears to be two separate ward family's in this era living in and around the oxfordshire area which I can't tie together but names can also conflick especially with john ward as there is another john ward in the same area and born around the same time but they are deffinately two diffrent johns my history can be found at this is one of my sources of information it is published by a living relative from the lineage in the usa

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Re: Ward family 1890 backwards
« Reply #13 on: Sunday 12 March 17 17:55 GMT (UK) »
Hi again, the problem I have got is all this information you have received from relatives etc  does not even supply a census for say 1891/1901 with the John Ward you are happy with who married Jessie Brown?

UK Census information Crown Copyright, from

Offline Paul Raynsford

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Re: Ward family 1890 backwards
« Reply #14 on: Sunday 12 March 17 19:02 GMT (UK) »
Hi again, the problem I have got is all this information you have received from relatives etc  does not even supply a census for say 1891/1901 with the John Ward you are happy with who married Jessie Brown?

yea I agree with you I have also strugle to find a census record for him in I have been supplied a birth cert for him so it is deffinately the right john ward I have also just received a copy on paper of a family tree created several years back by my own aunt which also confirms my findings

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Re: Ward family 1890 backwards
« Reply #15 on: Sunday 12 March 17 19:06 GMT (UK) »
 :) OK that is a start, what details does the birth certificate show eg address, date of birth, parents etc

PS but just who has defined that this is the John Ward who married Jessie Brown, who cannot provide a census with him on?

The Jessie Brown on the 1901 with the Mabey family also shows an Edie Brown female who was born 21st February 1901 and baptised 8th March 1901 with no Christian name just Brown she was the illegitimate daughter of  Jessie Brown of Tooting

UK Census information Crown Copyright, from