Author Topic: surviving court records, Bristol.  (Read 258 times)

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surviving court records, Bristol.
« on: Friday 14 April 17 12:41 BST (UK) »
 Can anyone tell me what sort of records might exist that would perhaps yield more information of the Thomas Larkham mentioned below : or where any such might be held.

According to the Gloucestershire Prison Records  Thomas LARKHAM
aged 20 of St Augustines was released from prison (having been acquitted) on
5 April 1825. He had been charged (jointly with George COLE aged 18 of St
Augustines) “with having feloniously stolen taken and carried away one
linen pinafore the property of Charles Vaughan Esq." The record includes this
description of him:
“Dark brown hair dark grey eyes brown complexion long face wide mouth long
nose several moles on his right arm scars on the back of left hand two small
moles left side his neck Blacksmith Height 5  5 1/4.”
 Im looking for the parents of a fellow of this name and wonder if any such detail may be found in records relative to the case.
Stanley/Roberts/Larkham-Larkkom-Larkkon-Larkom. of staffordshire/Warwickshire.