I've been doing a review of my Ashwin ancestors and I have noticed a connection. I have been wondering whether some of the grandsons of my 2xGreat Grandfather James Ashwin (1798-1867) were in business together.
His eldest daughter Susannah (b. 1839) married Robert Willard a printer. According to the 1911 census their sons were:
Edward William Willard, Employer, Manufacturer of motor fittings, based in Birmingham;
Robert C. Willard, Employer, Commercial traveller, coach & motor fittings and lamps, B'ham;
Arthur Ashwin Willard, worker, Commercial traveller, motor trade, Bristol.
Also the son of James's second son Edward was:
Ernest Edward Ashwin, Commercial traveller, motor trade, Sale, Cheshire.
Was this just coincidence or had they set up some sort of motor part manufacturer between them?