Hallo everyone - hoping that you might be able to help me in my research of my family tree.
I have managed to trace my tree back to my 2nd great-grandparents but have now hit the dreaded wall - so any assistance you could give me would be very welcome - and thanks in advance for reading my request.
Charlotte Elizabeth was born on 5 July 1830 in Battersea, London, and was baptised on 27 September at St Margaret's Church Westminster.
Her baptism record shows her parents to be Bryan Neale and Sarah Ester/Esther Martin who married on 17 August 1829 at the same church. Bryan was apparently a widower and their witnesses were John and Charlotte Martin - I am wondering if these are Sarah's parents but of course they could be her relatives such as brother and sister.
Sarah Esther was baptised on 17 April 1810 at St Marin-in-the-Fields, Westminster I think but I don't have any certificates to prove that this assumption is correct.
At one time I thought Charlotte Elizabeth' s father may have been Barnard or Bernard from Norfolk but her marriage certificate states that her father was Bryan but I cannot find any trace of him - birth or death dates or censuses apart from his Marriage. However, he has to have been married already and possibly had children Sarah in 1818 and Robert in 1820 but I could be barking up the wrong tree completely. As I have already made errors in this area of my family tree, I am trying to ensure I don't make similar mistakes again by jumping to assumptions too quickly.
Now her husband, George Aplin, is proving very difficult for me also. I cannot state exactly when or where he was born as the censuses that I have from 1851-1901 give different places and times. I think he could have been born in Thorncombe, Bridport, Broadwinsor in Dorset, but mentions are made of him being born in Devon as well anytime from 1825 to 1830. According to his and Charlotte Elizabeth's Marriage Certificate his father was Joseph and already deceased when they married on 5 August 1849 - the venue being St Margaret's Church in Westminster yet again.
He was a Tailor and lived in and around London all his life - Cripplegate, St Luke's, Islington, Fish Street Hill, Barnsbury, Clerkenwell and Lambeth until his death on 4 June 1907 following a stroke. He and Charlotte Elizabeth had 14 children from 1849 until 1872 and Charlotte Elizabeth died in her home in Lambeth on 2 March 1916.
Any information you can give me would be very gratefully received and thank you all for bothering to read my post. I have only posted a very few times to date but have always received such great help and advice it encourages me to have another go.