response to reply#2
There will not be certificates, just parish records. Some can be viewed online, but usually a Local Record Office will have them on microfilm or microfiche. Best to find out in advance when you know what areas you are looking at. Some early Wills are online, some are at record offices, some have got lost in the passing of time! A Local record office may also have more specific records for things, so, for example I had an ancestor who was into oyster fishing, and at the relevant RO I found all sorts of records for the local fishing authority with him on. So, depending on what your ancestors did, you at find a visit to a Local RO comes up with more than just Parish registers! But you need to do a bit of research first about what you are looking for, as a first visit to a Record Office can be overwhelming, though generally the staff are very helpful.
But, you at find the parishes you are looking at are well covered online, so you may get a lot of the basic PR stuff without having to visit the RO.
Take it one line at a time, and I said before .....enjoy!!!
I see Guy has posted whilst I was typing. I can only underline what he has wisely said! Don't venture into the pre 1841 era until you have firmed up what you have - or any work you spend time doing could on fact be following the wrong line altogether. Wide words about getting into practice of confirming things from at least 3 sources.