Hello all,
I have just started looking at my Family History after a break of some years. I have done fairly well on the main lines in my family, getting back to 1414 on one line, but am now looking at others further back.
The problem:-
My Mary Ann Brown was Baptised in 1834 at St Philip and Jacob, Bristol Gloucestershire. Father John, mother Ann.
The parents appear in the 1841 Census of Temple, Bristol, John's age given as 35, Ann's as 30 where it showed they had a son Charles aged 15, and Mary Ann aged 7. I do know these ages were rounded up or down in this census.
In the 1841 census of St Augustine the Less, Bristol, Ann is shown as a widow, Charles is 26, Mary Ann 17. in both cases they said they were born in Bristol.
I have searched for a marriage for John and Ann from 1811 to 1825 and come up with four possible marriages so far.
Has anyone any idea as to how I can pinpoint the correct John & Ann?
Also, any pointers as to how to find John's baptism would be gratefully received. I have tried a search for John/father Charles ( in case his son was named for his father) but so far with no success.
Thanks for reading this and for any help received.