Just looking at William Wheeler and Esther his wife, both born in the 1820's and died in the 1910's.
Sarah Ann Wheeler is shown as 8 in 1871 census, so born 1862/1863.
This might be her birth from GRO
Sarah Ann Wheeler, mmn Hawkins, December quarter 1862 in Cookham
(as she has a sister Alice age 12 in 1871, so fits with this birth
Alice Wheeler mmn Hawkins , June quarter 1858 in Hartley Witney)
William and Esther appear on the 1851 census as married, (with his parents and siblings) so possibly this:
Marriages December quarter 1850
Esther Hawkins Hartley Wintney
William Wheeler Hartley Witney
so they did make 60 years.
Have you started to draw a rough family tree so that you can see all the connections?
We do sometimes leap around, and refer using either maiden or married names for women, so it can get very confusing.