Hi bbart,
I just received the Death certificate transcription for James Allison snr. This is the information from the death certificate:
Name: James Allison
Date of Death: 20 September 1868
Occupation: NONE
Sex; Male
Age: 63
Place of birth: SCOTLAND
Time in Aust Colonies: 14 Years in NSW
Father: James Allison
Occupation: Farmer
Mother: Not stated
Place of marriage: SCOTLAND
Age at marriage: 19
Name of Spouse: Agnes MUIR
Children of marriage: 3 Males, 1 female living; 3 males, 1 female DECEASED
Informant; James Allison , Son, Oakey Creek
Cause of death: Influenza
Length of illness: 3 weeks
Medical attendant: NIL
Date last seen: NIL
Date of Burial: 22 Sept 1868
Place of Burial; OAKEY CREEK
Undertaker: Gavan Houston
Witnesses: D MacMaster, G MacMaster
Registered; 31 Dec 1868- Coonabarrabran
As you can see he was most likely born in 1805 or 1806 , which makes him about 12 years younger than Agnes. Agnes's maiden name was MAIR not MUIR which is important to note.
I hope I can now discover a bit more about James given this information or maybe I have come to the end of the road. There is still the mystery of the name MARSHALL which was given as his middle name on one of the family trees I found.. I thought it could be a clue, perhaps his mothers maiden name.