I have been looking for a Sarah and Joseph Saville. My grandmother was the daughter of Mary ann Saville, who had a sister Emma. This is fact. A Sarah Saville came to the US roughly around 1885/1886 with a Polly and Emma. This is fact. With the help of various people and websites I have discovered a Sarah and Joseph in the census records, once in 1871 and 1881. In this record they have a daughter Mary Ann and Emma. They also list many other children. I am trying to pin down if this might be my Sarah. I cannot find any other listing for any of the other children. Not one. Can anyone tell me why the only information I can find on this couple are two census records and NOTHING else. No births, no deaths. I know they could not have vanished into thin air. Some ideas? There is a William, Edward and John listed in the 1881 census that I think are Sarah and Joseph's additional children. In 1871 there is a Ruth, Hannah, Joseph and Christopher along with William, Edward, John and Mary Ann. The first four may not all be Sarah's. Thoughts? Thanks