Hello Everyone, My name is Nancy and I am twenty-seven. I'm looking for information on my dad's family.
I grew up in Alberta, my mom is from here but my dad is from Ontario. He's a great dad, but before he met my mom he didn't have much of a life. I've never met any of his siblings but have had contact with them via Facebook. I would, however, be interested in knowing more about his mother and father. They are deceased, his mother's name was Elizabeth Ann Henderson before she married his father Ray Allen. She then married a man by the name of Livingston and when she passed in 1975 she was buried under the name Elizabeth Henderson Livingston. Elizabeth was adopted, and from what we know the adoption wasn't legal. We have never been able to find any records, we're plagued further because we are unsure as to the year his dad died. My dad estimated it to be around 10 years ago, but we can not be sure. My dad isn't well anymore, and his past is sad and violent and I do not wish to upset him by asking a thousand questions. I'm curious as to mine and my sister's heritage. His family makes up half of us, his mom would be my grandma if she were still alive today. His dad would have been my grandpa. I've only ever my mom's side of the family, and that's the family my dad has had as well since my parent's met and married almost thirty years ago.
I want to know more about Elizabeth and Ray. I want to know where I came from, we are unsure as to how Elizabeth died. My dad is only able to remember her drinking, and once again he did not have a good life growing up. There are so many different angles from his siblings, everyone remembers the tragic upbringing in their own traumatizing ways. My dad has instilled in me to forgive and to never talk ill of the dead. He forgave his mom long ago and still loves her. I just want to know more about the woman who was my grandmother.