Author Topic: Help  (Read 3105 times)

Offline dorothyl

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« on: Thursday 26 April 18 08:54 BST (UK) »
Hi everyone.
I'm really stuck on something. I have tryed  myself  but I haven't  been able to get anywhere.

I don't know if any of the group can help me with this one. I've tyred  the 1939 electoral roll.  But  all I have got is not found.  There's 2 addressee I'm trying to find out about.  Both was my grandparents home addresses  before they got married. And one was the same address  when they did get married.  Here is what I know so far.

My grandad Alfred evan Jones was living  at 59.rusholme road cholton on Medlock Manchester with his mum Frances.  My gran eveline shulman  was living at 192 upper brook Street cholton on Medlock Manchester before she was married. 

So when they got married  my gran  eveline  moved in with my grandad and possibly with my great gran Frances Jones. 

Here is where I need some help please  if possible.

If my gran eveline moved in with my grandads house . Who was my gran eveline living with  before she married my grandad.  ( why didn't my grandad move in with my gran )

And acording to what I had seen on a micro film  my great gran Frances  was living  at the same place as my grandparents after they married. 

So what I'm trying to find is the electoral roll  for 1930s   if at all possible.  I know  there's one for 1939 on find my past.  But I just can't get past the names  I put in.

Please can anyone help me?   I'm really  stuck and I would really appreciate any help from you all.
You have been a great help in the past.  Thank you again


Offline dawnsh

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Re: Help
« Reply #1 on: Friday 27 April 18 19:50 BST (UK) »
Hi Dorothy

I'm sure you have had the 1939 register entry for Frances, her name was recorded as Francis. Alfred wasn't with her in 1939 as he was already married.

I will check our emails and make sure you get another copy.

Alfred and Eveline were married in 1933.

Electoral registers are compiled by address so it should be possible to check to see if the electoral registers for 1932 and 1933 still exist somewhere.

I'll go off and check and come back to you in a bit

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Online BumbleB

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Re: Help
« Reply #2 on: Saturday 28 April 18 15:43 BST (UK) »
Manchester Electoral Rolls are held at Manchester Central Library:

1921 – 83 Chorlton Road – David Joseph Shulman, Annie Shulman and we presume Eveline Shulman.  David dies March 1921, and Eveline would NOT be old enough to vote (aged 10/11).

1921 – April – 83 Chorlton Road is the address given by Annie Shulman when she marries Bertram Johnson. 

1933 – Eveline Shulman = 192 Upper Brook Street.  Alfred Evan Jones = 59 Rusholme Road.  Alfred would not be eligible to vote (aged 19) but Eveline would be eligible to vote (aged 24)

1937 – 59 Rusholme Road = address given on birth certificate for Patricia Jones = daughter of Alfred Evan and Eveline.  Alfred would now be eligible to vote.

1939 – Frances Jones = 59 Rusholme Road.  Eveline and Patricia Jones = Newcastle under Lyme.
Transcriptions and NBI are merely finding aids.  They are NOT a substitute for original record entries.
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Offline dorothyl

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Re: Help
« Reply #3 on: Sunday 29 April 18 13:47 BST (UK) »
Hi .
Bumbleb.  Thank you for that.  I really appreciate it.

Would you say that number 192 upper brook Street cholton on Medlock Manchester. Could have been some kind of what they called  digs in those days? 

Thank you again for your help I really do appreciate it honestly. Thank you again


Offline dawnsh

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Re: Help
« Reply #4 on: Sunday 29 April 18 15:28 BST (UK) »
Hi Dorothy

I don't think Bumble has been to look at the registers.

She has posted a useful list of addresses found in other documents.

Either you or another chatter needs to go the library to have a look.

I don't know if you have looked at electoral registers before, you need to know an address and the from that you have to know the constituency and then the ward. They aren't compiled by name.

When you look at the strret, only the eligible voters are listed, in the 1930's you had to be over 21. Also, relationships aren't shown. Sometimes it is not possible to work out who are the parents and children or lodgers.

Census information Crown Copyright, from

Sherry-Paddington & Marylebone,
Longhurst-Ealing & Capel, Abinger, Ewhurst & Ockley,

Online BumbleB

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Re: Help
« Reply #5 on: Sunday 29 April 18 15:57 BST (UK) »
192 Upper Brook Street is the address that Eveline used when she married Alfred Evan Jones.  192 could very well be a lodging house - it would be almost within the grounds of Manchester Royal Infirmary. 

As dawnsh says, I haven't looked at the electoral rolls - all I have done is go through all the various addresses for David Joseph, Annie, Eveline and Alfred Evan at critical times.  All information that is already in your possession.

Transcriptions and NBI are merely finding aids.  They are NOT a substitute for original record entries.
Remember - "They'll be found when they want to be found" !!!
If you don't ask the question, you won't get an answer.
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Archbell - anywhere, any date
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Offline dorothyl

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Re: Help
« Reply #6 on: Monday 30 April 18 08:38 BST (UK) »
Hi again. Both dawnish and bumbleb.

Thank you again for your help.  I went to Manchester library  last Tuesday and looked on there  electrol  roles. On the film's  both hand one's and computer one's. Before going to the help desk.  All we found was my great gran Frances. Being at Rusholme Road cholton on Medlock Manchester  and my grandad  being there.after he married my gran eveline.  Apparently  my great gran Frances  had moved out after my grandparents got married. 

Where she moved to I have no idea. Or how long she was living in the house where both my grandad and great gran Frances was living before my grandparents marriage.  Something  did come up about my great gran Frances  being with a Mr Crossfield.  But I can't remember what it was now.

Anyway thank you again for your help I really do appreciate it honestly.


Offline dawnsh

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Re: Help
« Reply #7 on: Monday 30 April 18 15:57 BST (UK) »

Frances was with Mr Crossfield in 1939.

Did you make a note of the constituency name and the ward?

Did you make a note of all the eligible voters living at the addresses?

What years did you check?
Census information Crown Copyright, from

Sherry-Paddington & Marylebone,
Longhurst-Ealing & Capel, Abinger, Ewhurst & Ockley,

Online BumbleB

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Re: Help
« Reply #8 on: Monday 30 April 18 16:13 BST (UK) »
Frances lived in the same house as Mr Crossfield in 1939 = 59 Rusholme Road.  Mr Crossfield was a witness to Alfred Evan's marriage to Eveline in 1933, and Alfred Evan's address was 59 Rusholme Road.  Alfred Evans and Eveline were living at 59 Rusholme Road in 1937 when Patricia was born, and I'm assuming that Mr Crossfield was also living there - he died in 1941 aged 63.

Transcriptions and NBI are merely finding aids.  They are NOT a substitute for original record entries.
Remember - "They'll be found when they want to be found" !!!
If you don't ask the question, you won't get an answer.
He/she who never made a mistake, never made anything.
Archbell - anywhere, any date
Kendall - WRY
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