The document is a Half-Yearly Agreement and Account of Voyages and Crew of a Ship engaged in the Home Trade (Coastal and near Continent)
It contains information on the particulars of engagement and discharge for a six-month period, for multiple voyages.
In this case regular sailings July to December, between Sunderland and London. Probably engaged in the East Coast coal trade.
You will note that the first sailing commenced 5th/Aug/1842 a full month or more after 1/July.
No doubt the ship was at sea until late July/early August, hence the overlap.
Likewise the date of signature, 22/Feb/1843. This date would be the date the Crew Agreement was given up to the port authority.
It looks as if your ancestor was a regular Mate on this vessel. seems he signed on and off on the same day (9/Sept/1842) for whatever reason.
His age as recorded, would be the information he gave when signing on. Be aware that Merchant Seamen regularly lied about their age.