Welcome to the new Scavenger Hunt, it's been a while since the last one, but I'm sure the 'Thinking Caps' are well and truly dusted off and ready to go.
This one might be a little bit tricky, but I have every faith you can help Marchbank.
Good Luck and Good Hunting.
Herbert Benjamin WILLIAMS.
Herbert was my great grandfather.
He died in New Zealand 03 Mar 1916, buried Linwood Cemetery.
After marrying my great grandmother Mary Jane LEWIS nee MILLRAY,in Christchurch, New Zealand on 30 Dec 1886. They had nine children born between 1889 - 1906 in Christchurch ( I have most of these details).
Herbert put his age as 43 on his marriage cert, and this ties in with the details on his death cert. This puts his birth at c1843.
According to his death cert he had been in NZ for 51 years, so arrived c1865 ( cannot find this detail)
After this everything is very vague and unsubstantiated.
Also according to his marriage cert and death cert he was born in London. Marriage cert states father was John Herbert WILLIAMS and Sarah EVERETT(probably).
I have a marriage certificate that I have long believed was the right one for a John Herbert WILLIAMS marrying a Sarah EVERETT in Islington, Middlesex 23 Nov 1841. But because I can find nothing else I am wondering if I have been in the "wrong forest" all these years.
Can any one find any little detail to help me prove/disprove this link?
Can anyone find any mention of Herbert's birth or baptism?
Any sign of him on any census 1841- 1861?
Really really looking forward to some suggestions or help. He has baffled me for a very many years.