Hello again Joe,
Well my Smith family really are turning out to be a problem. You said that you were having trouble tying them together, well, I have searched the scotlands people website and have begun to think that Agnes Smith b abt 1864 was child of Robert Smith and Agnes Dick. I have found a death record for a Margaret Smith, husbands name Robert, maiden name Dick. Now Robert and Agnes Smith had a daughter Agnes in 1865, but I haven't yet found the birth records. Marriage records for the period have only one Smith/Dick marriage in the area, that is for Robert and Agnes not James and Margaret date of marriage, 9th June 1859 at the same church as Agnes Smith married John Cowan in 1888, St. Quivox.
When Agnes Smith married John Cowan in 1888, James/Robert was already deceased, but the address for Agnes/Margaret on the marriage certificate is Prestwick Road, Newton, Ayr
Perhaps you can tie them all together with this new information. Here's hoping anyway, I am totally lost by now.
Thanks again for your time,