any help appreciated in solving the ongoing and extremely frustrating search for information on Bridget Brown nee McGuggin OR McGuggan.
Facts I know .....
(1) Arrived with her sister Mary on the RED ROVER on 10th August, 1832.
(2) Married Charles William Brown at Scots Church, Elizabeth Street, Sydney on 28th October, 1833.
(3) They had two children .... Charlotte Mary Ann who lived till 1918 and John who died in 1837 aged 5 months and 14 days.
(4) Bridget died on 8th June, 1837 at Elizabeth Street, Sydney after a long severe illness. I know this from a Death Notice placed in The Australian on 9th June, 1837 by her husband who was a newspaper Editor.
My health is not great and I would dearly love to solve the mystery as to exactly where in Ireland she originated, her parents names and to understand why there is no BDM Death record for her online.
Any thoughts?