« Reply #1 on: Friday 01 March 19 03:10 GMT (UK) »
What resources are you using to find this information?
Scotlandspeople is probably the best site for all things Scottish, if you're not already using it.
I am Australian, from all the lands I come (my ancestors, at least!)
Pine/Pyne, Dowdeswell, Kempster, Sando/Sandoe/Sandow, Nancarrow, Hounslow, Youatt, Richardson, Jarmyn, Oxlade, Coad, Kelsey, Crampton, Lindner, Pittaway, and too many others to name.
Devon, Dorset, Gloucs, Cornwall, Warwickshire, Bucks, Oxfordshire, Wilts, Germany, Sweden, and of course London, to name a few.