Still Need to find a marriage date and place for John Russell & Marie Josephte Bergeron, only info I have is they had 7 children born in New Carlisle Bonaventure Quebec, and their childrens surname Russell keeps showing up in different spellings such as Restell, Rossel, Rousselle,
their 7 children were, all their children were born in Bonaventure,Quebec they lived in New Carlsile Quebec .
1. Margaret born 1795 married Jean Bellier or John Blair about 1821 in Quebec
2. Mary born 1797
3. Jane born 1800
4. John born Aug,3,1803 married Elizabeth Murray in Bathurst New Brunswick Canada in 1827 my gg grandparents
5. Martha born 1805
6. James born 1808 married Agnes Ann (Nancy) Howland
7. peter born 1812 married Rachel Howland
It Is said but not proven that this john Russell married to Marie Josephte Bergeron was Lord john Russell.
I can find no marriage for John Russell & Marie Josephte Bergeron,
Marie Josephte Bergeron was born June,25,1777 in Miriamchi N.B. and baptized about 1783 in Bonaventure Quebec.
As well I have no real birth date or place for John Russell married to Marie Josephte Bergeron.
It is possible that he was born about 1758 and was in the Bristish Army till about 1783.
Family says he was from England. I am just hoping one day to find his marriage place and date to Marie Bergeron and pray it has his birth date and place and his parents names. I do not have a death date for him either or know if he died in Quebec or New Brunswick.
It is possible that there might be info on him in areas such as Bonaventure,New Carlisle, Carleton, Quebec and so on but no good to me as I do not read french or speak it.