Hi. I've been researching for a few years, but really need some help with my Plunkett family. My great grandmother was born 24 Aug 1876 Liverpool to William Plunkett and Catherine Smith/Smyth. She had 7 siblings born Liverpool apart from the eldest, Mary Alice baptised 1865 Bohermeen, Ireland. The others were all baptised as Roman Catholics in Liverpool. William and Catherine were both born Ireland, about 1836 and 1845 respectively. At this point, no marriage found for them in either Ireland or England.
The problem is I can not find any further information on either parents of William and Catherine, other than Catherine's mother was Mary Smith (born abt 1805) and living with them in the 1871 Census. I'm hoping someone can help me find them as I can not find them anywhere in 1891, and I'm hoping that can give me further information.
A son William John did go to USA about 1884, and another son Charles immigrated to Australia. The three remaining living children stayed in Liverpool, Mary Alice married James Kennedy and I've got them in 1891, but I just can not find William, Catherine, Edward (born 1873) and Catherine (1876).
Any help appreciated, thanks