Hi Erato,
Thanks for your response and the two pieces of information.
I have come across the Argentianian/British website and although it has provided some information, it has provided very little considering how many of the Mucklow family migrated to Argentina.
I didn't give any particular names and dates of the Mucklows I want to find, until I found someone who was able to help. Then I would prefer to use the private messaging system on roots chat. The reason being that I know there are living relatives in Argentina, who I have tried to contact and they have not responded. I therefore feel that it would be better to keep any research private in respect of these living relatives.
The quest I have is; the father Mucklow left in the late 1880's to work in the cattle industry in Argentina. He died a few years afterwards and I have the date for that and possible cemetery. His wife supposedly went with him and possibly 2 younger children. But they do not show up anywhere in Argentina, nor back in Lincolnshire. So I would like to find someone who can help find cemetery records. Then there are two older sons, who both married in Argentina and had children. I do not know when either of them died, except one lived into the 1950's at least. I know the date of death of the wife of one of these sons and where she is buried. He might therefore be buried there too. I have tried contacting the cemetery, but they have not answerred any of my emails or letters. Two older daughters also went to Argentina in 1890. It is possible one returned to England and the other one possibly remained in Argentina and married there.
I am happy to give names and dates of birth etc, but would prefer to do it in the private message service.
Thanks so much,